So, a few years back I was digging through my grandparent's storage at a mini storage facility, and I found a First Year Baby Calendar. I tossed it aside, not giving it any thought, and only caring about what I found interesting in the pile of junk. Upon later inspection, I saw that the calendar belonged to a family, we didn't know, and knowing that it was probably important to them, I just left it in the storage.
Later on, after developing my list, I remembered the baby calendar, and I cycled through the pages, trying to find the owners based on the names inside. It was from 2005 so, now the kid was grown, and the parents could have moved. After searching online for a while, I found that the husband and the wife had split, and they were battling in court due to domestic abuse. I won't get into detail about it, but finally after three months or so, I got a call back from one of the people I tried. The person turned out to be the grandfather of this kid, and his son wanted to know if he could pick the calendar up. I said yes, and I had the man meet me to get his calendar. He offered to pay me with a reward, but I insisted that he didn't explaining how I got the thing in the first place. #38 Kept important documents from owner- Crossed off.
Jared Rice
The Real Earl
P.S. Yes that is a picture of my face pasted on Earl.
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