Back in 2005, before I joined the Marine Corps, my friend James (kind of like Ralph) and I decided it would be a good idea to drive around, and shoot people with a paintball gun. Now, James is the kind of person who would make you feel guilty about not doing illegal things with him, and you would eventually oblige. So, there we were, driving down the street, unloading hoppers at random people. I remember two people in particular, an old man, and an old woman. They were carrying groceries from Foodmaxx, and we both just let loose on them. We hit them for sure. I know becuase the old man dropped his bags, and grabbed his head, writhing in pain. After this, we drove past an older woman on the phone in her driveway, and at this point, I was jacked. I popped out of the window, and shot her right in the breast. Later that night, we shot up some cop cars, which is also on the list as a later item, but for now, I want to make up for this one.
I'm still working on fixing #10, but Mason is a hard man to track, and for some reason, this one is eating at me. I thought about going to a retirement center, and letting the residents pelt me with a paintball gun, but I don't know if that really fixes the situation. I'd like to hear back from you all about this one.
Jared Rice
The Real Earl